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Session Management in Nexios

Session management allows you to store and persist user-specific data across multiple requests. Nexios provides a robust session interface that enables secure and configurable session handling.

Sessions are used to store temporary user data that persists across multiple HTTP requests. This is essential for user authentication, shopping carts, and maintaining stateful interactions in web applications.

Nexios provides a BaseSessionInterface that allows developers to manage sessions efficiently. It includes functionality for setting, retrieving, and deleting session data, as well as handling expiration and cookie settings.

Configuring Sessions in Nexios

Before using sessions, ensure your application is configured correctly. The session configuration is stored in the session_config attribute of the application’s configuration.

Example Configuration:

from nexios.config import MakeConfig

config = MakeConfig({
        "session_cookie_name" :  "nexios_session",
        "session_cookie_secure" : True,  # Ensures HTTPS-only cookies
        "session_cookie_httponly" : True,  # Prevents JavaScript access
        "session_expiration_time" :1440 ,# Keeps the session persistent
        "session_permanent" : False  # Keeps the session persistent,
        "session_refresh_each_request" : False  # Refresh session on each request


Key Configuration Options:

Option Description
session_cookie_name Name of the session cookie
session_cookie_secure Enforces HTTPS-only cookies
session_cookie_httponly Prevents JavaScript access
session_expiration_time Expiration time in minutes
session_permanent Keeps session active even after closing the browser
session_refresh_each_request Refresh session expiry on every request

Using Sessions in Nexios

Setting and Retrieving Session Data

# ... 
async def manage_session(request, session):
    # Setting a session value   
    request.session.set_session("username", "Dunamis")

    # Retrieving a session value
    username = request.session.get_session("username")
    print(username)  # Output: Dunamis

Checking if a Session Exists

if request.session.get_session("username"):
    print("Session exists")
    print("Session does not exist")

Deleting a Session Value


Retrieving All Session Data

all_sessions = request.session.get_all()
print(dict(all_sessions))  # Convert items to dictionary

Session Expiration Handling

Nexios automatically manages session expiration based on the configured settings.

Checking if a Session Has Expired

if request.session.has_expired():
    print("Session has expired. Please log in again.")

Getting Session Expiration Time

expiration_time = request.session.get_expiration_time()
print(expiration_time)  # Outputs the expiration datetime

Session Storage Backends

By default, Nexios stores sessions in files or signed cookies:

    "session_manager":"cookies" #or file

but you can implement different storage mechanisms such as

  • Database-backed sessions (MySQL, PostgreSQL)
  • Redis-based session storage

Example: Using Redis for Session Storage

from nexios.session.base import BaseSessionInterface
from redis import Redis

class RedisSession(BaseSessionInterface):
    def __init__(self, session_key: str):
        self.redis_client = Redis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)

    async def save(self):
        self.redis_client.set(self.session_key, self._session_cache)

    async def load(self, key: str):
        return self.redis_client.get(self.session_key)

config = MakeConfig({
        "backend" : RedisSession()

Session Security Best Practices

  • Use Secure Cookies: Set session_cookie_secure = True to prevent transmission over HTTP.
  • Enable HttpOnly: Prevents JavaScript from accessing session cookies.
  • Set Expiration: Enforce session_expiration_time to prevent indefinite sessions.
  • Rotate Session Keys: Periodically change session keys to prevent hijacking.
  • Use Encrypted Storage: Encrypt session data when using databases or file storage.

Advanced Session Use Cases

Use Case Implementation
Persistent Logins Store user authentication state in session
Shopping Carts Keep track of items in a cart across requests
Role-Based Access Control Store user roles and permissions in session
API Rate Limiting Track user requests to prevent abuse
CSRF Protection Use session tokens to validate form submissions